This year, the scholarship of 30,000 SEK was shared between three scholarship recipients with one thing in common: they want to develop themselves and contribute to strengthening the media industry and journalism. Congratulations to this year’s scholarship recipients: Kattis Folkeson, Pierre Le Fevre and Tilda Wendefors!

Pierre le Fevre.
Schibsted and Tinius Trust annually arrange the conference The Power of Journalism, bringing together employees from all of Schibsted’s media houses, but also students in journalism and media technology.
This year, a new element was added to the conference – The Power of Journalism Scholarship. Schibsted wants to contribute to creating an arena for the ideas and innovative power of journalism and media technology students.
“The media industry is constantly changing and we need new ideas that develop journalism and our products. This scholarship allows us to focus on young talents who want to help develop journalism and the media industry. It’s important to us,” says Siv Juvik Tveitnes, SVP, Schibsted News Media.
This year’s jury focused on how digital journalism can be democratised and reach more exciting and concrete ideas for investigative reporting and journalism, as well as tech innovations and new AI services that can benefit the entire media industry and make journalism accessible to new young readers.
The jury’s motivations for this year’s scholarship holders are:
Kattis Folkeson: ‘News points’ is an innovative solution to increase commitment to news journalism in a young and digital audience. By combining reward systems with news consumption, possibilities are explored to make news more accessible and attractive to groups that otherwise do not consume it. It strengthens our democracy and we like that.
Pierre Le Fevre: ‘Open source and AI in the journalism of the future’ is an idea and a project that unites new technology and journalism with the aim of revolutionising personalisation and transparency. It’s exciting. It’s engaging. And it is a curious step that explores the possibilities of journalism in the future.
Tilda Wendefors: ‘Sharenting – what do the children think?’ is a report series digging into an urgent, but complex, contemporary issue: children’s rights and perspectives in a brutally digital world. With young people’s own voices and insights from experts, a dialogue is created that can engage all ages, but also become an important reminder to include children’s voices in the social debate.
The jury for The Power of Journalism Scholarship 2023:
Lena K Samuelsson, Editor-in-Chief Aftonbladet
Martin Ahlquist, Managing Editor, Svenska Dagbladet
Markus Gustafsson, Editor-in-Chief Omni,
Agnes Stenbom, Founder and CEO of IN/LAB.