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”An excellent opportunity to gain work experience”

Bianca Widstam (29) recently graduated this summer from the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University with a Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering. This summer, she leaped into the professional world of tech by starting as a summer intern at Schibsted Media.

Bianca first learned about the internship opportunities at Schibsted during a student career fair.
I signed up for the Schibsted student newsletter. I received an email about the summer internship and decided to apply”.
Her decision to apply was driven by a desire to develop her skills in front-end engineering.
Schibsted seemed like an excellent opportunity to gain work experience and learn more about the company as an employer”, Bianca says.
She is now a frontend engineer intern working with Aftonbladet’s brand team at Schibsted Media.
My team and I are focused on bringing value and enhancing user experience for logged-in users and Plus subscribers on the Aftonbladet website.”

One of the highlights of her summer project has been to develop widgets for the summer olympics on the Sportbladet website.
”It has been a must-see this summer”!
Bianca describes the work at Schibsted Media as thrilling so far. She explains that with Schibsted Media reaching millions of users every single day, the work can feel a bit daunting. However, her new team has been very welcoming.

People here are super kind and helpful! My team is great at challenging me. You dive into assignments directly, and everyone loves to help out. In my first week, we did mob programming. It was a bit scary at first to share my screen and code in front of everyone, but now I’m much more comfortable with it and you learn a lot”

The Value of Internships

Bianca believes her internship is mutually beneficial for both her and for Schibsted Media.

I bring fresh knowledge from school and previous experience, and I gain valuable work experience and get to know the company in return.”
When asked why she chose Schibsted, Bianca’s answer is simple and direct.

Schibsted offers an impactful work experience and great coffee!”
For students considering an internship at Schibsted, Bianca has some sound advice. She encourages others to apply for similar internships, highlighting the unique learning experience.
Schibsted is used to having summer internships and ensuring you have support during the whole period. It is a great opportunity to create a future relationship with Schibsted. It is super fun and you learn a lot! You both get to work on your own tasks and with other engineers. As a frontend engineer working in the Aftonbladet, you will solve problems that you will watch go live on the Aftonbladet website – that’s very exciting!
Bianca’s final piece of advice to future interns?

Ask a lot of questions, and do not be afraid to dive into tasks. You can learn a lot from your talented colleagues.”