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AI tools supporting journalism

Cases from Schibsted’s media houses

Stories co-created with AI

AI tools can be powerful when working with stories and investigative journalism. It can help the team analyze massive amounts of facts, analyze content and reveal mistakes and plagiarism. On this page we have listed some stories made by Schibsted’s media houses that AI tools have supported.

VG's adoption story

Artificial intelligence was among the tools that helped VG reveal how children have been taken from their biological parents against their will – and adopted to Norway. The cases uncover that Norwegian authorities have received warnings about illegal adoptions for more than 50 years. An adapted GPT helped the team to go through more than 6.000 pages of documentation to find information that showed that Norwegian authorities had been alerted. The case also involved DNA testing, archive hunts across several continents, and map searches.

Read more at VG

Aftonbladet investigated Riks

With the help of ChatGPT Aftonbladet has analyzed thousands of video clips on Riks – a YouTube channel linked to the Swedish right-wing party Sverigedemokraterna (SD). They found a world where political opponents are under attack and the atmosphere is hard and dystopic. The team asked the GPT to identify and describe topics and found that most of them had a negative angle and that the channel describes Sweden as a country in decay, blaming SD’s opponent as responsible.

Read more at Aftonbladet

E24 revealed a minister's plagiarism

When E24 got a tip saying that the Minister of Science and Higher Education had not written her master's essay herself, they started to look into the story. They found an AI tool that could help them analyse the text – and the tip was correct. Several parts in the essay was identical with parts of other students' essays. The E24 team says that the revelation would not have been possible without the AI support, especially not to publish it as quickly as they did.

Read more at E24

AI listens to podcasts

In 2023 Svenska Dagbladet created an article series called 'AI Listens to Podcasts'. It redefined cultural journalism by leveraging AI to analyze Sweden's top three podcasts, an examination and analysis of 696 episodes from a decade-long podcast series. The results were presented through graphs and charts, revealing the most mentioned words, and providing readers with insights into individuals, places, and topics discussed in the podcast. The articles attracted many new readers to SvD and created great engagement, including in social media. SvD has also received several awards for the project.

Read more at SvD

Identifying one of Hama's attackers

The whole world was shocked when Hamas launched a coordinated attack on Israel on 7 October. 1,139 people were killed, inculding 756 civilians. With the help of artificial intelligence, Aftenposten was able to identify one of the attackers, making it possible to paint a broader picture of which groups were involved. Aftenposten analyzed a large amount of videos from the attack on a music festival and used facial recognition technology to identify a local police officer for Gaza participating in the attack on a music festival with symbols tying his to the Al-Qassam Brigade - Hamas’ armed brach.

Read more at Aftenposten