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Schibsted Connect

Schibsted Connect is a mutual mentorship program where you will be connected with one of our Schibsted colleagues.

What is Schibsted Connect?

Schibsted Connect is your door to insight and new contacts. It is a buddy program where you will be connected with one of our Schibsted colleagues. The idea is that through monthly meetings, you will mutually share thoughts, ideas, and experiences. This exchange of information is the bridge that gives both sides of the river a better understanding of the world. We encourage you to ask us anything, and in return, we get to pick your ultra-modern brain.

The connection lasts officially from November to April, however many buddy pairs keep in touch also after the program ends.

“Schibsted Connect is a great way to expand your network and challenge yourself”

Hege Bellika Hansen

Student at Kristiania University College

“I highly recommend the opportunity to get in contact with a large and forward-leaning company like this”

Olle Wessel, Engineering Manager, Aftonbladet

Olle wanted to show students that Schibsted is a digital tech company, just like other famous digital companies. He also wanted to learn more about what motivates young professionals today.

“It is a great program! The mentor you get supports you and teaches you how to prepare yourself for when you go out into working life.”

Viggo Toftgård, student at Uppsala University

Viggo was given a buddy that works with product management exactly what he wants to work with when he graduates. He learned a lot about how it is to work with product management at Schibsted. His buddy also mentored him regarding his career choices and what he should focus on in the future.

Schibsted Talks

In this episode, we’ve spoken to two previous Connect participants. Tune in and learn more about there experience!

Learning goes both ways