
Schibsted Group Headquarters Norway

Postal address
Schibsted ASA
Postboks 490 Sentrum
NO-0105 Oslo

Visiting address
Akersgata 55
NO-0180 Oslo

Phone: +47 23 10 66 00

Schibsted Group Headquarters Sweden

Visiting address
Kungsbron 13
111 22 Stockholm

Phone: +46 8-725 25 00

We kindly ask you to address customer related enquiries or questions regarding the daily operations of our companies to the specific company or brand concerned.

Our Privacy Office oversees the privacy work across Schibsted. For privacy-related enquiries, you are always welcome to contact us at privacy@schibsted.com

Schibsted ASA – invoicing address
We use electronic processing of all incoming invoices for Schibsted ASA, VAT no: 933 739 384.

All invoices must be sent to the following address:
Schibsted ASA
Postboks 6567
7439 Trondheim

Invoices may also be e-mailed to: invoice.6567@kollektor.no

The e-mail must meet these requirements:
* The invoice must be an attached document with the format .pdf or .tiff
* Every invoice with enclosures must be sent as one, and only one, attachment to the e-mail.

Only invoices, credit notes and reminders are to be sent to the new invoice address. All other mail or deliveries should still be sent to Schibsted’s address in Oslo.