Debt financing

Schibsted’s most important sources of debt financing are bonds and loans, as well as a flexible revolving credit facility.

In April Schibsted extended NOK 1.8 billion of a total term loan of NOK 2 billion, by one year to 3 May 2025.

In May, Schibsted issued two new bonds; a 5 year term floating rate note of NOK 500 million and a 7 year term fixed interest rate bond of NOK 500 million. In June, two bonds totalling NOK 900 million expired and in October a bond of NOK 1,000 million expired. During Q1 and in connection with the bond issues in May, Schibsted purchased parts of its own bonds expiring in June and October 2023 and the net outstanding amount of the bonds that expired in June and October was repaid at maturity.

Schibsted has a revolving credit facility of EUR 300 million. The facility has in June been extended by one year and the final maturity of the facility is in July 2028. The facility is not drawn and secures a strong liquidity buffer going forward. Scope Ratings restated its BBB/Stable rating of Schibsted in June which confirms Schibsted as a solid Investment Grade company.

As of 31 December 2023, Schibsted’s financing structure is as follows:

Interest-bearing debt (NOK million)

Bonds/FRNs 3 500
Term loan 2 000
Bilaterale loans 130
Other 22
 Total 5 652

Further information on the respective debt categories is found below:

Bonds/Floating Rate Notes (FRN)

ISIN Amount (million) Issue date Maturity Interest Security note Reg. document
NO0010786866 NOK 500 Mar 2017 Mar 2024 3M NIBOR + 120 bps Link Link
NO0011157323 NOK 1000 Nov 2021 Nov 2026 3M NIBOR + 78 bps Link Link
NO0012484486 NOK 600 Mar 2022 Sept 2027 3M NIBOR + 120 bps Link Link
NO0012484494 NOK 400 Mar 2022 Mar 2029 3.95 % Link Link
NO0012911306 NOK 500 May 2023 May 2028 3M NIBOR + 145 bps Link Link
NO0012911231 NOK 500 May 2023 May 2030 4.85 % Link Link

* including bond buybacks


Nordic Investment Bank EUR 11.5 June 2015 June 2025 6M EURIBOR + margin
Term loan NOK 2 000 May 2022 May 2025 * NIBOR + margin

* NOK 1.8 billion of the term loan has been extended to May 2025

Credit facility

Revolving Credit Facility EUR 300 July 2021 July 2028 Relevant IBOR + margin

Revolving credit facility, term loan and bonds fall due in their entirety at the stated due date. The loan in NIB have a regulated repayment profile. Final due dates are stated in the above table.

Schibsted’s long-term loans carry a floating interest rate and are linked to the money market interest rates plus a margin. The bonds with fixed interest rate have been swapped to floating interest rate at origination.

Schibsted’s loan agreements contain requirements for net interest-bearing debt (NIBD) in relation to the operating profit before depreciation and amortization (EBITDA).

Based on the most recently published quarterly report at 31 December 2023, Schibsted has undrawn credit facility amounting to NOK 3.4 billion.

Debt Maturity Profile


For more information, see Regulatory Releases