Schibsted has been listed at Oslo Stock Exchange since 16 July 1992.
Schibsted has a dual class share structure. The A share has the ticker code SCHA and the B share has the ticker code SCHB. On these pages you will get information regarding share price development and return, dividends, analyst coverage and other share holder matters.
Basic Data
Ticker codes | A share | B share |
Oslo Stock Exchange: | SCHA | SCHB |
Reuters: | SBSTA.OL | SBSTB.OL |
Bloomberg: | SCHA:NO | SCHB:NO |
ISIN | NO0003028904 | NO0010736879 |
Nominal value | NOK 0.50 | NOK 0.50 |
Number of shares: | 102,962,278 | 127,970,691 |