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Published 2023-06-14

BT’s development editor takes on AI role at Schibsted News Media

Eivind Hjertholm Fiskerud, Bergens Tidende’s long term development editor, will contribute to advancing the work on artificial intelligence (AI) in Schibsted’s Norwegian and Swedish media houses.

Photo: Rune Sævig / Bergens Tidende

In recent months, alongside his role as development editor, Fiskerud has been central to a project across Schibsted’s news division, which has examined, among other things, the impact AI will have on future newsrooms.

Now he is  to play a key role in following up on this work within our Norwegian and Swedish media houses.

“Eivind has shown incredible dedication to exploring how AI can enhance the work of journalism – not just at Bergens Tidende but in all of our media houses. Additionally, he has a healthy critical approach to the challenges this technology will pose for the profession and the industry. I am thrilled that Eivind has embraced this new challenge,” says Fredric Karén, responsible for editorial transformation and collaboration at Schibsted News Media.

A priority area

He explains that AI will be one of News Media’s top priority areas in the coming years, with a significant potential both in product development and in creating more efficient tools for journalists.

“There are currently many exciting AI initiatives underway in our various newsrooms. Most media houses have already appointed AI coordinators and started working on local guidelines. Eivind’s role will be to gather the priority areas that the different media houses will focus on this fall. In this work, he will serve as a sounding board and, most importantly, as a crucial source of inspiration and coordination,” says Karén.

Returning to a central role

When Fiskerud was hired as the editor for reader development (later changed to development editor) at Bergens Tidende in 2018, he came from a position as the head of data and analysis for Schibsted’s subscription newspapers. Now, he is returning to a central role.

“It will be incredibly exciting to work with how we can strengthen journalism in this technological shift. We know that AI will change journalism and how we work, but we’re not entirely sure yet to what extent and how quickly. What is certain is that there is already a lot of energy and creativity surrounding AI in the newsrooms and development environments at Schibsted, and that is a great starting point for achieving many exciting things in the future,” says Fiskerud, who also adds:

“It has been fantastic to work at BT. I will miss the people here, the mission, and the determination to push forward and always strive to improve.”

Bergens Tidende has begun the process of finding Fiskerud’s replacement in the role of development editor.