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Published 2024-10-24

E24’s New Initiative: Sharper Analyses

In a time when misinformation is widespread, commentary journalism plays a crucial role. In September, E24 launched a new commentary desk with a clear goal: to provide readers with even better coverage of economic and political commentary journalism.

Political editor in E24 Torbjørn Røe Isaksen

The desk, operational since September 1st, is led by political editor Torbjørn Røe Isaksen and consists of experienced commentators such as Sindre Heyerdahl, Johann D. Sundberg, and Ina Vedde-Fjærestad. Together, they aim to deliver in-depth analyses and insightful commentary on both national and global economic developments.

Ina Vedde-Fjærestad is the newest addition to the commentary desk. She has extensive experience in various roles at E24 and is eager to use her expertise to provide readers with in-depth analyses.

“I have worked as a financial journalist for nearly 20 years and have held several different roles at E24 before. Now I’m excited to use my experience to deliver analyses and commentary in various formats for E24’s readers,” says Vedde-Fjærestad.

With the new desk in place, E24 has consolidated its commentators to offer more coordinated and strategically prioritised commentary, both in text, audio, and video. According to Sindre Heyerdahl, one of the department’s commentators, this will allow the editorial team to cover important topics more effectively:

“We’ve been three commentators, now we’re four. By being in the same department, it becomes easier to coordinate and prioritise commentary on important areas. We aim to strengthen E24’s offering to the public through both ongoing and in-depth commentary and analyses,” Heyerdahl explains.

More Important Than Ever

The new editorial team faces a highly exciting time ahead, both geopolitically and economically. With the upcoming U.S. election, elections in Norway next year, and an unpredictable macroeconomic situation with frequent interest rate meetings and economic statements, there will be much to cover.

“It’s more important than ever to provide readers with thorough analyses that put events in a broader context. The commentary department will play a crucial role in explaining developments and providing insight into complex topics,” says political editor Torbjørn Røe Isaksen.

The spread of misinformation and fake news is increasing — making the news landscape fragmented and difficult for users. In this environment, commentary journalism has a vital role. By placing news in a broader context, analyses can help enhance the public’s understanding of complex issues.

Building Trust in Journalism

Sindre Heyerdahl, an economic commentator in the new editorial team, emphasises that it’s not just about explaining what’s happening but also helping readers see the bigger picture:

“The day can often be filled with fragmented news and seemingly isolated events. Analysis and insight can hopefully help put more of what happens into context, delve deeper, and look at the bigger picture,” Heyerdahl says.

This is also one of the reasons why E24’s subscribers value commentary pieces so highly. By exploring the causes and consequences of news events, the commentaries can help build trust in journalism. Ina Vedde-Fjærestad points out that the commentary department has an important task in making complex topics easier to understand:

“An important task for us is to both analyse and explain what’s happening in the news. Complex topics become easier for our readers to understand, and we believe this can help increase trust in journalism,” says Vedde-Fjærestad.

Clear Distinction Between Articles and Commentary

Another aspect the desk focuses on is making the distinction between news articles and commentary clearer for readers.

“Our commentaries all have their own vignette and are marked with a picture, commentator title, and text explaining that the commentary expresses the writer’s opinion”, explains Heyerdahl.