Published 2013-01-03

New Schibsted-video

Schibsted Media Group has just released a new video centered on our mission “Empowering people in their daily life”. See the video here.

In the video, we meet young people in a normal day and see how they in different ways use and get information from various Schibsted-brands. The film is made in three different versions – Norwegian, Swedish and International – where the main difference is which of our brands are displayed. All versions may be downloaded at Arena (the international version will be available shortly).

– We wished to communicate Schibsted Media Group as a modern, international and attractive company for students, customers and potential employees. I hope the film will serve as a useful tool for our companies whenever they need to show an example of what Schibsted Media Group consists of today, says Anders Rikter, Director of Communications at Schibsted ASA.

Rikter has worked on the film together with his colleague Olof Brundin at Schibsted Sverige. The film is produced by the Swedish agency Berntzon & Bylund. The music is by Orion, vocals by Malin Gustavsson, and the title of the song is “In The End”.