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Published 2022-04-28

Power of Journalism 2022 winners

Congratulations to Stavanger Aftenblad for winning Best Innovative Entry and to Aftenposten for winning Best Scoop and Best Storytelling!

Photo: Kilian Munch

This is is our yearly celebration to honour the best journalistic work in our media houses in three categories “Best Storytelling”, “Best Innovative Entry” and “Best Scoop.”

Best Innovative Entry

Stavanger Aftenblad – “Mååål!” ?

Contributors: Elin Stueland, Mats Haugland og Håkon Åreskjold.

The Jury’s grounds for their decision:
The winner has an innovation that presents new information and more journalism to the reader. This has created more loyalty and more relevance to the local readers – which is a great goal for any newsroom!


Bergens Tidende- Bedriftsroboten
Contributors: Jan Stian Vold, Marit Holm

The growing interest in companies and startups is demanding for journalists. Bergens Tidende met the challenge with an automatic editorial solution that structured data and transformed it into a journalistic dress. This presented new knowledge to the audience and expanded the editorial field for the newspaper

Omni – Omni Mer
Contributors: Matilda Glaser, Helena Sällström, Olivia Wikström, Louise Cassemar, Henrik Svensson, Peter Johansson, Malin Rising, Mattias Magnusson, Josefin Pehrson, Samuel Inghamma

In a world where global perspective is a necessity, Omni wanted to bring an international new perspective to its national audience. By combining editorial selection with user insights Omni developed not only a new business model but enhanced in-depth journalism with great importance to the reader.

Stavanger Aftenblad- Mååål!
Contributors: Elin Stueland, Mats Haugland og Håkon Åreskjold

Relevance on a local level is all about keeping the readers updated on its neighborhood – including soccer games. Stavanger Aftenblad took a tech approach to sports journalism and developed a robot solution that did the tedious, simple work that would be impossible to do live with human resources. This freed more resources to in-depth and advanced journalism.

Best Scoop

Aftenposten – “Pendlerboligene” ?

Contributors: Nina Selbo Torset, Vegard Venli, Åshild Langved, Henning Carr Ekroll, Sigrid Gausen og Robert Gjerde

The Jury’s grounds for their decision:
The winner has revealed a scoop with huge consequences that has already sent several elected representatives out of their positions. The winner combined classic investigative journalism tools with a creativity that disclosed a corrupt system of politicans who abused their trust from the Norwegian citizens.


Aftenposten – Pendlerboligene
Contributors: Nina Selbo Torset, Vegard Venli, Åshild Langved, Henning Carr Ekroll, Sigrid Gausen og Robert Gjerde

To reveal politicians’ abuse of trust for personal, financial gains is an everlasting important task for journalists. Combining creative solutions to find information and sources, Aftenposten disclosed a corrupt system that the parliament activly tried to cover up. The newspaper’s scoop had a huge impact in Norway.
Bergens Tidende – Salget av Bergen Engines
Contrubutors: Gerhard Flaaten, Bendik Nagel Støren, Arne Edvardsen, Anders Grimsrud Eriksen og Tron Strand

In a time where foreign and military policies are more important than ever, Bergens Tidende uncovered a story which involved Russian oligarchs as well as a careless and inattentive government. The journalists overcame active obstacles with creativity and perseverance that disclosed a story of great importance.

Verdens Gang – Grenseløs terapi
Contributors: Monica Flatabø, Ane Muladal, Bjørnar Tommelstad

Doctors and therapists who abuse their power, put their already vulnerable patients in an even more exposed situation. . In this story Verdens Gang tells a touching and well told story and uncovers a system without accountability where the victims are rarely heard.

Best Storytelling

Aftenposten – “Selvmord blant unge” ?

Contributors: Anette Aasheim, Ingunn Røren og Fredrik Hager-Thorese

The Jury’s grounds for their decision:
The winner tells a serious and important story with great austerity and sensibility. The journalists get close without being speculative or unsensible. The result is a gripping story about how it is to be young and vulnerable in a modern society.


Aftenposten- Selvmord blant unge
Contributors: Anette Aasheim, Ingunn Røren og Fredrik Hager-Thoresen

Every year more than 600 people commit suicide in Norway. In this touching story Aftenposten shows the complexity and gives a voice to victims and their families. With dignity, carefulness and sober presentation the story creates a greater awareness and a deeper understanding.

Bergens Tidende – Åtte døgn i mørket
Contributors: Målfrid Bordvik, Bård Bøe og Philip Bock

A mother who is the sole provider of her son is hospitalized after a severe case of covid, and this story follows her son’s experiences. The story and photography is straightforward, focused and moving. Its simplicity in structure and tone manages to create an universal story and a slice of life.

Verdens Gang- Skjebnetimene i Baneheia
Contributors: Lars Engdahl, Ådne Husby Sandnes, Hanna Haug Røset, Christina Quist, Øystein Milli, Einar Otto Stangvik, Jonas Nilsson

Two small girls were murdered in one of Norway’s most famous crime cases. The story is well-know, but Verdens Gang retells the story with new homegrown 3D technology that combines archive images, drone photos and maps. The result is a captivating user experience and a great example of innovation in the newsroom.