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Published 2022-08-25

Schibsted Future Report 2022 – Breakfast event in Copenhagen

The Schibsted Future Report 2022 Roadshow is coming to Denmark! Our next stop is at Matrikel1 in Copenhagen, where we’ll host an inspiring breakfast event focused on tech trends and takes on the future.

Joining us at Matrikel1 is a team of speakers from all around the Schibsted organisation. Anders Grimstad, Head of Technology Experiments at Schibsted, will present his team’s latest findings around the metaverse and what it means for business. If you want to further deep-dive into the metaverse, check out our Schibsted Talks episode on the topic, where Anders Grimstad shares his thoughts.

We will also be joined by Karl Oskar Teien, Director of Products, and Lena Beate Pedersen, Product Manager, at Aftenposten, one of Norway’s leading newspapers, who will present how they are working with artificial intelligence as a new and cutting-edge way to consume news articles.

Also joining us are some of the startups Schibsted has invested in, in Denmark. Meet Karina Rothoff Brix, Country Manager for the cryptocurrency-company Firi in Denmark and Kristian Qwist Adolphsen, Co-founder & CEO at Campanyon.

Schibsted’s first Global Head of Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging, Sumeet Singh Patpatia, takes the stage as well. He has broad experience in multinational companies, working with innovation and transformation.

Leading us through the morning is one of Denmark’s strongest profiles on the relationship between people and technology. Elektronista Media Director and Digital Trend Analyst Christiane Vejlø is at the forefront when it comes to focusing on the possibilities and consequences of digital development and future technology.

Don’t miss our breakfast club at Matrikel1 on the 13 September where we will discuss and present inspiring tech trends and takes on the future! Sign up for the event right here, keep tabs on it on our Facebook or  LinkedIn events, and read the Schibsted Future Report 2022 right here. The event will be held primarily in English.