Published 2021-01-13

Schibsted Future Report goes LIVE through webinars – Save the Date

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Schibsted Future Report is our company’s annual outlook on important trends within Tech, People and Business. Now its content will also be made available in real life – as you’ll be introduced to the people behind the stories. The first edition goes LIVE February 3rd at 1200 p.m.

Schibsted Future Report is written by Schibsted employees who share ideas and insights regarding topics they believe will have an impact on our world in the coming years. In 2021, the storytelling and exciting competence shared through our employees in the report will also come alive in a series of webinars.

Need a dose of inspiration at your home office?
Mari Midtstigen from Aftenposten Junior in Norway and Erica Treijs at Svenska Dagbladet in Sweden will host the webinars. The two well-known TV hosts and media personalities will help us understand how major crises have changed the world historically, how Covid has pushed digitalisation and what new challenges leaders face because of it.

“I think in times like these when we are all spending a lot of time in our homes, it is extra important to find inspiration and to learn new things. We will try to make webinars that don’t feel like work, where viewers can make themselves a nice cup of coffee, lean back and take part in a relaxed conversation whilst picking up some cool things,” says Mari Midtstigen, Editor-in-chief at Aftenposten Junior.

“There are a lot of exciting things going on at Schibsted, and people have so much knowledge in different areas. This webinar-concept will be a great forum to reach many people, where we can share insights and wisdom,” says Erica Treijs, Svenska Dagbladet´s newly announced Climate-reporter.

First webinar February 3rd: Creating services for tomorrow´s generation
In the first webinar, hosted by Mari, you will meet three of Schibsted´s passionate experts who will share their most recent insights on Gen Z, Tech trends, Digital Development and Startups.

Guest speakers include:

Anniken Ore Larssen, Product Manager in Schibsted´s Tech Experiments Team. Schibsted Marketplaces needs to become more inspirational – that’s one of Anniken’s conclusions when working on making more attractive to Generation Z.

Sven Størmer Thaulow, Schibsted´s Chief Data and Technology Officer. Covid-19 has pushed digitalization forward in ways that were previously unforeseeable. Sven will introduce you to some of his thoughts on upcoming tech trends.

Rune Røsten, Head of Schibsted Growth in Norway. What does it take for a startup to succeed? “Some of the answers fit right into Darwin’s theory on the survival of the fittest,” says Rune, who will give some tips and tricks to the startups he believes will survive post the corona pandemic.

For more information on Future Report:

Watch our CEO Kristin Skogen Lund introduce the report: