The INMA Global Media Awards are known for recognizing outstanding achievements in the media industry, celebrating initiatives that drive growth and engage audiences worldwide. On Thursday, April 25, this year’s awards were handed out in a gala ceremony in London.
On top of the Schibsted list was most definitely Bergens Tidende, with two first places, one second place and one third place. But also Stavanger Aftenblad, Omni, Aftenposten, Schibsted Media, VG and Aftonbladet received awards.
– Significant acknowledgment
Chief Editor Trond Olav Skrunes in Bergens Tidende is very happy with the awards:
“This is a significant acknowledgment for Bergens Tidende, and a clear indication that we have many talented people who repeatedly manage to elevate BT to new heights. We’ve also noticed that we get attention from other media outlets at international conferences like this. In fact, some people we meet say they subscribe to BT just to follow what we’re doing. It’s pretty surprising, but definitely fun.”
– Remarkable
“Once again, several of our media outlets are making a splash internationally, competing with projects from across the globe. It’s really remarkable. Bergens Tidende, in particular, is making a strong impression at this awards ceremony. It shows that you don’t need huge resources if you’re passionate, clever, and create journalism and content that meets the audience’s needs,” says Siv Juvik Tveitnes, EVP Schibsted News Media.
Here’s the list of the awards won by Schibsted’s newspapers:
- Bergens Tidende
- First Place in Best Idea to Encourage Reader Engagement: “A Personalised News Experience”
- First Place in Best New Digital Product: “Everyone Talks About the Weather: How Bergens Tidende’s Groundbreaking New Service Gave People Even More to Discuss”
- Second Place in Best Use of Visual Journalism and Storytelling Tools: “Three shots in Ibsens Gate”
- Third Place in Best Innovation in Newsroom Transformation: “Breaking Good: How Bergens Tidende Transformed its Breaking News Machinery”
- Bergens Tidende and Stavanger Aftenblad
- Second Place in Best Product Iteration: “How We Tripled the Amount of Users on Our Reward Programs”
- Omni
- Third Place in Best Initiative to Grow Subscriptions: “Omni Mer: The Boost”
- Third Place in Best Use of AI for Internal Productivity: “The AI Transformation at Omni: This Is Why We Let Our Journalists (And Not Our Devs) Build Our AI Tools”
- Aftenposten
- Second Place in Best New Subscriber Onboarding Experience: “How Aftenposten Created an Engaging and Customer-Centric Onboarding Experience Across Product and 1:1 Channels with Promising Results”
- Schibsted Media
- Honorable Mention in Best Use of an Event to Build a New Brand: “How We Created the Best Wine Fair in Norway to Build a News Brand”
- VG
- Second Place in Best Commerce Product or Service: “How VG Solves Consumer Needs and Funds Journalism by Leveraging a Shopping Frenzy”
- Honorable Mention in Best Use of Social Media: VG’s Use of TikTok as a Source for Evolving Our Entire Video Product”
- Aftonbladet
- Second Place in Best Use of AI for Internal Productivity: “Aftonbladet’s AI Hub”
- Svenska Dagbladet
- First place in Best New Digital Product: “SvD Kompakt”
Helle Skjervold and Beate Koren represented VG on stage during the award ceremony