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Verdens Gang

Creating a stronger community.

VG sets the agenda

VG is Norway’s primary news destination and the largest media house and provider of news, sports, and entertainment. VG sets the agenda for both official and popular news – and aims to be the first to report the latest news. VG serves as a gathering point for the Norwegian people, connecting them by enlightening and simplifying complex issues so that everyone can participate in what is relevant in society.

Facts and figures

Founded in 1945

Verdens Gang saw the light of day on 23 June 1945. The newspaper was started by key figures in the Norwegian resistance movement and immediately marked its independence and freedom in relation to political parties, organisations and capital forces. The first editor-in-chief was Christian A.R. Christensen, who played a prominent role in the underground press during the war.

Online newspaper in 1995

In 1995, VG introduced news online and today VG.no is visited by almost half of the Norwegian population every single day and more than seven out of ten every week. This makes VG.no Norway's largest website with 3.1 million unique readers each week.

Read by half of Norway

VG is Norway's largest media house and is read by more than half of Norway's population every single day. 47% of our readers are women and 53% are men. 20% of our readers are 25–34 years old.

An iconic dice

The VG dice was introduced in 1952 - and has become synonymous with VG. At first it was used on film reviews, today it's used to also rate books, films and other products and have often caused heated discussions in Norway.

Many niche sites

Within VG you also find niche sites like Godt.no, MinMote, Tek, Vektklubb, Pent and a lot of podcasts.

More than 350 employees

In early 2024 364 people were employed by VG. Gard Steiro has been VG's publisher since 2017.

Our history

The newspaper was started immediately after the Second World War by key figures in the Norwegian resistance movement and immediately marked its independence and freedom in relation to political parties, organisations and capital forces.

Meet some of our people

“VG gathers millions of Norwegians every day. It's a privilege to know that my journalism reaches the people who need it most. VG is the newspaper of the whole people, and I am proud to be a part of that. ”

Xueqi Pang, Journalist

“As a designer at VG, it's really cool to help optimize the user experience and build trust in a brand with so many daily users. In addition, it is exciting to be part of an environment where there is room for new ideas, experiments and exploration of new technologies that can lift our journalism. ”

Juni Aurora Herdal, UX Designer

“Everyone has a relationship with VG, and that is perhaps what makes VG such an exciting and challenging place to work. If I publish something on VG or make a change, I know that hundreds of thousands of people will get it, have an opinion about it and maybe get involved in it. This means that the drop height is great, but also that the possibilities are enormous. It gives a kick you don't get very many other places.”

Mathias Jørgensen, Product lead, entertainment

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