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Press & News


Results Q2 2014

Today, Schibsted Media Group released its Q2 2014 report, showing operating revenues of NOK 3.83 billion. The Online classifieds segment increased its revenues with 12 percent, 15 percent excluding Spain. The gross operating profit (EBITDA) was NOK 574 million. (562 million).

Live Webcast Q2 2014 results

On Friday 18 July at 09.00 CET the presentation of Schibsted Media Group’s Q2 2014 report will be webcasted live.

Digital subscriptions on the Plus side

Aftonbladet Plus has seen a record increase in digital subscribers. Some 200,000 readers are now paying for the quality journalism online.

Meet Donna from DoneDeal

In this new series we will interview employees in Schibsted companies all over the world. First woman out is Donna, Community Manager at DoneDeal.

Maradona plays for Schibsted’s Bom Negócio

The game is on for the classifieds market in Brazil. Argentine soccer icon Maradona has entered the field to win Bom Negócio new fans.

Knowledge beyond borders

The Mudah.my classifieds team in Malaysia is getting first-hand sales insights from their Schibsted Media Group colleague Steinar Tyssedal in FINN.no.

SvD has Sweden’s best business journalists

Swedish business leaders,finance analysts, investment relations and PR managers have chosen Sweden’s leading business and finance journalists.

Let the readers investigate!

Award-winning Guardian journalist Paul Lewis encourages Schibsted’s media houses to rethink the relationship between the journalist and the reader.

InfoJobs: 406.262 reasons for joy

In Spain, more people than ever are finding a job through InfoJobs. See how the employees share their happiness in a video called Let’s Work!

The winners of Schibsted Journalism Awards 2014

Bergens Tidende, VG and Stavanger Aftenblad are this year’s winners of Schibsted Journalism Awards.

Program for Schibsted Journalism Awards

This year´s seminar will include inspiring speakers from BuzzFeed, The Guardian and National Geographic, as well as colleagues sharing dramatic experience from Syria. Outstanding storytelling and innovation will be presented under our common motto: “Empowering people in their daily life”.

Blocket receives Animal Welfare Organisation Honourable Mention

Blocket’s work for safe animal trade was recognized last week at the national congress of the Swedish Animal Welfare Organisation (Djurskyddet).