A strong voice in the cultural debate – and a curious publicist who gladly explores new paths. Ida Ölmedal takes the step from Sydsvenskan and Helsingborgs Dagblad to become the new culture editor at Svenska Dagbladet. ”The creativity at SvD’s cultural department has inspired me a lot in recent
Schibsted has agreed to acquire all shares in HomeQ Technologies AB, a Swedish marketplace for first-hand rental apartments that connects property companies with potential tenants. Founded in 2016, HomeQ has rapidly developed to become a leading business-to-consumer platform for professional landlords, and an alternative to the large public-housing queues.
Schibsted has agreed to acquire all shares in HomeQ Technologies AB, a Swedish marketplace for first-hand rental apartments that connects property companies with potential tenants. Founded in 2016, HomeQ has rapidly developed to become a leading business-to-consumer platform for professional landlords, and an alternative to the large public-housing queues. As
Schibsted’s work to separate the media business into an independent company has reached a new milestone. The Executive Management Team of Schibsted Media is now ready. Before Christmas, Schibsted announced its intention to sell the media business to the Tinius Trust. The agreement between the two parties is expected to
Today, Schibsted announces that CEO Kristin Skogen Lund has decided to step down from her position once a successor is found, and that a search for a new CEO will be initiated. Recent milestones under Skogen Lund’s leadership are the Adevinta takeover offer and the non-binding agreement to sell Schibsted’s
Today, Schibsted released its Q4 2023 results. Financials and analytical info Q4 2023 Results presentation Q4 2023 Interim report Q4 2024 A new chapter for Schibsted, unleashing its full value creation potential “For Schibsted, Q4 was characterised by the announcement of two transformational milestones. For a start, we made important
AI helped E24 reveal how a Norwegian minister had plagiarised text in her master essay. She left her job. Schibsted’s news media companies are setting up their organisations to improve journalism and user experience and to make work more efficient, with the help of AI. There are now AI-responsible people
Schibsted will release its Q4 2023 results on 7 February 2024. It will not be possible to physically attend the presentation. Programme for the day, 7 February 2024: 07:00 CET Publication of the Q4 results including interim report, presentation and financials and analytical information. 09:00 CET CEO Kristin Skogen Lund
This week Schibsted Ventures announces a new investment in the Tings app, together with Spintop, FJ Labs and Arkwright X. Tings brings physical products into the digital world, connecting consumers, brands, retailers and third parties in a circular ecosystem and marketplace. Tings is a consumer app for storing receipts
This spring, Lena K Samuelsson is leaving the role of Editor-in-Chief, CEO and responsible publisher for Aftonbladet, a job she held for six years. “It has been a joy to lead Aftonbladet. I love this newspaper, but now it’s time for someone else to take over,” she says. Lena K
The board of Bergens Tidende has appointed Trond Olav Skrunes (49) as the new Editor-in-Chief, succeeding Frøy Gudbrandsen. “This is undoubtedly a significant challenge, but above all, a fantastic opportunity. I am passionate about journalism, and there is hardly a more exciting and developmental role than leading Bergens Tidende,” says
Three of Schibsted’s newspapers – Aftenposten, Svenska Dagbladet and Aftonbladet – now have their own AI voices. The rest of the large papers will soon follow. Offering an option to listen to news and stories is becoming increasingly important to meet user needs. “Time spent on audio is growing rapidly.